Creative Sprinkle

Love coming your way

I love mail, but who doesn’t? I love boxes, padded envelopes and anything that comes my way in the mail that has my name on it (unless, of course, it’s a bill.) When the mail is unexpected…oh boy, I get all giddy inside, wondering to myself, “Who loves me? Who’s thinking of me?”
On the other hand, I also love to send mail, I have always been the type of gal that has fancy stationary, cards, stickers custom made return address stickers, colored pens, and now they have tape with designs on it that I can’t resist. I also am a sucker for $5 cards at Hallmark!
I don’t think I’m alone though. People of all ages enjoy getting mail. I have always felt like receiving mail was a long distance hug from the person I received it from. The gift or the card that is unexpected that has encouraging words in it, makes me know that they took time out for me. I will always believe that the smallest of gestures end up being the biggest blessings to people when it’s done with love. The best part is when that person lets me know the arrival of that gift or card I sent had perfect timing for a rough spot they are in, or just a lousy day they had. Makes it worth taking the time to spend a few dollars and few minutes to send love that is not in a text or ecard.
So get creative, think of someone that you can send love to. Get a coffee gift card and tuck it in an envelope and send with a heartfelt message. Look up scripture verses for encouragement or edification. Put a photo of you and that person that is a reminder of happy memories.
You will be happy you did this and you might even do it on a regular basis after you see how fun it is!

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